Version 1.3 (Shareware, 34.95,- US) |
When you're connected to the Internet, you're sending and receiving information in small units called packets.
A packet contains the addresses of the sender and the recipient along with a portion of data, a request, a command, or almost anything having to do with your connection to the Internet.
But just as with postal mail, not every package that arrives at your computer is one you want to open.
Protoport Personal Firewall examines each data packet sent to or from your computer to see if it meets a set of criteria. The firewall then passes or blocks the packet selectively.
After you download and install the ProtoPort Personal Firewall software, your computer will be protected against hacker attacks.
All network traffic is monitored on the lowest possible level ensuring all unwanted network packets are kept off your computer.
Native support of all popular protocols (ARP, IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc.)
The program can also limit network bandwidth for specified applications, block online ads, block cookies, ActiveX, Flash movies, Java and Visual Basic scripts. |
PHP Newsletter Software SuperWebMailer
PHP Newsletter Software und E-Mail-Marketing-Software
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