Version 2.57 (Shareware, $14.97) |
Remember those old top-loading VCR's - with no remote, no on-screen programming, no VCR-Plus, and no fast-forward button - that were more cumbersome than they were functional? Compare those old relics with today's best and you'll perhaps be able to envision the difference between the antiquated "volume control" utility built into ALL versions of Windows (even Windows ME and Windows 2000) unchanged and unimproved since it first shipped with Windows-95 (version one!) way back in 1995--and today's new-technology replacement: AudioSphere!
In its "maximized" form, AudioSphere's compact scaleable design occupies only a minimal amount of desktop real estate--and when minimized, it's only one click away. As you can see from the screenshot, AudioSphere not only incorporates all the most useful functions of the old Windows "Volume" utility, but also offers four one-click presets, convenient "bass-treble" and "balance" adjustments, system-wide hotkeys, a channel inversion option (to reverse left-right stereo channels), one-click muting, one-click "normalization", and more - even a user-configurable analog clock! |
Mit SMSout versenden Sie einfach und schnell Einzel-SMS und personalisierte Serien-SMS. Es können SMS ohne eigenen Absender, mit eigenen Absender oder ohne eigenen Absender mit Antwort-Option sofort oder später versendet werden.
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©2025 Mirko Böer
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