Version 1.2 (Demo, US $22) |
Cresotech PocketPoint is an easy PDA based multimedia presentation tool
that lets you create photo presentations or review photo albums simply
and quickly. Have your presentation or photo gallery always at your
disposal in your pocket! All you need to do is select the necessary
images for the Playlist, tap the Start Presentation button and enjoy
the great show! If you are sales manager who needs to promote the products
of your company while you're on the go, Cresotech PocketPoint is optimal
solution for you. It allows you to have all your ads ready in your pocket
or hold a presentation anytime, any place. If you are a collector, Cresotech
PocketPoint gives you with the convenience and safety of showing your
collection to friends or colleagues, while avoiding the unnecessary
risk of taking the physical samples along with you. Cresotech PocketPoint
supports most popular graphical formats.
System Requirements
Pocket PC running on Windows CE 3.0 or higher. 700Kb Free on Pocket
PC and 2Mb Free on desktop PC. Supported Processors include ARM, SH3,
Erstellen Sie einfach personalisierte Serienbriefe, Serienfaxe, Serien-PDF-Dateien und Serien-SMS. Texte können mit dem integrierten Editor leicht erstellt werden. Die Empfängerdaten lassen sich aus externen Quellen importieren.
Mehr Infos...
©2025 Mirko Böer
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